We eat first with our eyes, said the first-century Roman gourmand, Apicius. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be bland. I love to look for ways to make healthy food look (and taste enticing). The colors in this ribbon pasta come from vegetables and fruits. It is made with wheat flour, so not gluten-free. You can source your pasta that suits your needs. I cook with cast iron pans to finish my dish in the oven.
Fish fillets of your choice (I used mackerel)
Grass-fed butter for cooking fish, 2-3 tbsp
Lemon, slice, and squeeze over fish
Garlic, 10-12 cloves, chopped. Spare some for your pasta.
Herbs and spices of your choice (I used thyme, parsley, basil, marjoram, but you can use your preferred ones)
A dash of coconut sugar or organic maple syrup
Himalayan salt and pepper
Organic Bowtie or Shell Pasta
Vegetables of your choice (I used cucumber, some leafy greens, and cherry tomatoes)
How to make:
Melt butter on the cast iron pan. Arrange fish fillets and squeeze lemon over them. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and herbs. Cook on both sides for a few minutes, adding coconut sugar or honey.
Finish cooking fish in the oven for 20 minutes at 170°C.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in a pot. Strain. Add into the pan together with washed vegetables.
Mix carefully, add salt, pepper, chopped garlic, and herbs to your pasta. Serve.